Boxing for adults
Houston Boxing
Our focus is on dynamic functional training and proper technique. At Alliance BJJ Houston you'll find your second home and a level of conditioning you never thought you were capable of.
Houston is a large city which means we attract the best of the best. Alliance BJJ Houston is just that, the best, representing the 12X World Champions we have developed a martial art & Fitness program for all types of people.
Learn the most affective martial art ever created! Focusing on Body control, locks and mechanics this art teaches you how to subdue anyone without using strikes by just learning how the body works.
Footwork, Conditioning, Kicking, Punching and everything in between is what this classes offers. Built for beginners all the way to the committed. Get in shape and learn a skill in our group lead classes.
Looking to shred those pounds of unwanted weight while toning up and feeling amazing? The Group Fit Classes use body movements, resistance training and conditioning circuits to get you in the best shape of your life!
Our focus is on dynamic functional training and proper technique. At Alliance BJJ Houston you'll find your second home and a level of conditioning you never thought you were capable of.
Wrestling is known to creating some of the strongest people in life. So if you need some strength whether it's mental or physical this program will help you get there!
If you are a first-timer, we have gentle introductory classes for absolute beginners. If you are looking for a more intense body workout — where you can tone every muscle, burn fat and sweat we have challenging classes, too.
I have no experience, is this Academy for me?
Yes, in fact we have a mandatory orientation for all new members to get you ready for group classes and ensure you have all the tools needed to continue on your health goals!
What type of schedule do you offer?
Whether you start your day at 5am or 7pm we have a class for you. Classes start at 5am and last till 8pm through out the week.
Why type of discounts do you have?
We offer 10% discounts for all first responders and Veterans for we are a part of the adoptacop and WeDefy programs.
New like minded friends!
Get in Great Shape and feel fit
Help with Anxiety, Stress and Mental Health
Find your inner Spirit!
Schedule your Consultation with us today!
Get started today!