I started Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Jan 4th 2011 and not by choice. My Master Sergeant in the United States Marine Corps dragged me to my first ever class since noticed some symptoms that I didn’t even know I had after three combat tours (PTSD) to Iraq and Afghanistan. I went to my first class and barely survived the warm-up but loved every single minute of it. From then I was hooked. I was blessed enough to practice Jiu-Jitsu in Hawaii, Minnesota, New York, Texas and even Kuwait where I taught classes as a purple belt 4 days a week. Jiu-jitsu was not just a life style for me, it was a place where I left my demons at the door. I saw the same face every day even though I knew they would choke me out in 45 seconds once we started to spar. That never stopped me. The unity that everyone had once they stepped on the mats is what made everyone a family. We all came from different walks a life whether its military, judge, auto-mechanic, mailman, lawyer, student, house hold care giver, mom, brother or child we as a practiconer respected Brazilian Jiu Jitsu.
Belt Promotions
White Belt- Jan 4th 2011
Blue Belt- Sep 2011
Purple Belt- March 2014 (4th stripe on 9/10/18)
Dallas Open (Purple Belt)
Gi- 3rd Place
NoGi- 2nd place
Minnesota Open (Purple Belt)
Gi- 1st Place
NoGi Absolute 2nd Place
Grappling Games Wisconsin (Purple Belt)
Gi- 2nd Place
NoGi- 3rd Place
Naga Houston (Purple Belt)
Gi- 1st Place
NoGi- 1st Place
Naga Wisconsin (Purple Belt)
Gi- 1st Place
NoGi 2nd Place
Naga Hawaii (Blue Belt)
Gi- 2nd Place
NoGI 1st Place
Hawaii Triple Crown
Gi- 2nd Place (White Belt)
Hawaii Triple Crown
Gi- 3rd Place (White Belt)